Wednesday 17 April 2013

Health monitor CLP commands

We can get health status information for the database manager and its databases by issuing health monitor commands.

Important: The health monitor, health indicators, and related components have been deprecated in Version 9.7

Monitor level
CLP command
Information returned
Database manager
get health snapshot for dbm
Database manager level information.
get health snapshot for all databases
Database level information. Information is returned only if the database is activated.
get health snapshot for database on <dbname>
Database level information. Information is returned only if the database is activated.
get health snapshot for all on <dbname>
Database, table space, and table space container information. Information is returned only if the database is activated.
Table space
get snapshot for tablespaces on <dbname>
Table space level information for each table space that was accessed by an application connected to the database. Also includes health information for each table space container within the table space.

output for database manager information:


             Database Manager Health Snapshot

Node name                                      =
Node type                                      = Enterprise Server Edition 
                                                 with local and remote clients
Instance name                                  = DB2
Snapshot timestamp                             = 02/17/2004 12:39:44.818949

Number of database partitions in DB2 instance  = 1
Start Database Manager timestamp               = 02/17/2004 12:17:21.000119
Instance highest severity alert state          = Normal

Health Indicators:

    Indicator Name                             = db2.db2_op_status
       Value                                   = 0
       Evaluation timestamp                    = 02/17/2004 12:37:23.393000
       Alert state                             = Normal

    Indicator Name                             = db2.sort_privmem_util
       Value                                   = 0
       Unit                                    = %
       Evaluation timestamp                    = 02/17/2004 12:37:23.393000
       Alert state                             = Normal

    Indicator Name                             = db2.mon_heap_util
       Value                                   = 6
       Unit                                    = %
       Evaluation timestamp                    = 02/17/2004 12:37:23.393000
       Alert state                             = Normal

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